Monday, 13 September 2010
The breaking of Fast during Ramadan Month of Islam in PAKK Temenggong.
Every Year since 2005, PAKK Temenggong as usual organise the Breaking of Fast during the Month of Ramadan on the 6th of September as a must between parents, the PAKK kids, the PAKK committee members with their facilitator and supervisor who in-charge of this auspicious events that comes only once a year...My thanks to all who came and helped out at PAKK Temenggong. To our Head of the committee members; en. Zahar bin Kahar, Hj. Manaf; our invited speaker and our advisor hj. Sahrom and the rest of the committee members of PAKK Temenggong...thank you for your Pn. Abidah binti Yahya, Hj. Wahid and hj Kassim, thank you for your donation to our PAKK Temenggong event more unforgetable...MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL OF YOU IN THE MONTH OF RAMADAN.