Tuesday 1 June 2010

Friendly Futsal Matches between PAKK Temenggong and PAKK Bukit Siput.

On the 22nd of Mei, 2010, PAKK Bukit Siput invited PAKK Temenggong for A Friendly Match against their futsal team. As Pakk Temenggong under 15 were not available as they had other futsal matches in Jementah, so we decided to send on under 18 years old. We won by 3-1 margin.

As for the Friendly matches against JKM and PAKK women, PAKK won by 1-0. As for the men, JKM against PAKK, JKM won.

Hope we will have more friendly sports matches besides futsal for example: Ping-Pong, badminton and basketball....it will be interesting to have other sports games besides futsal, football and netball....make it more exciting and more creative for the kids of PAKK.


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